North Ridgeville HS Class of 76 Reunion

The North Ridgeville High School Class of 76 will be holding their 45th reunion on August 21, 2021, 7:00 pm at the Lone Tree Tavern, 33009 Lorain Road, North Ridgeville.

We will update you on the cost per person once we have everything in place – we should  know  sometime in July.  Currently, we are thinking that we will have a very heavy appetizer buffet and I will prepay – so an accurate count would be very helpful.  You can then pay at the door.  Alcohol will not be paid for – but you are certainly welcome to purchase whatever you’d like.

This reunion will be very low key.  More of a chance to rally after the social distancing we experienced this past year. In preparation for our 50th Reunion (Wow!) we will have our usual ticket raffle.  – This of course is subject to change.

Even though the Corn Festival is supposedly on, we have chosen a separate night so stay out of that large crowd that gathers at Lone Tree that weekend.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bruce Kratofil ( or Deb Arnold. If you are in contact with other classmates, please pass the word along. The Class of 76 Facebook page will be the main way we communicate with each other.

If you haven’t done so already, please let us know if you are coming! We will need to know the count by August 14.

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